P.Cair.Masp. III 67328 passim (Antaiop.; 5-14.vii)
Unique Identifier: DC-3879
Class of material: Papy.
Carrier: Papyrus
Text class: Legal/fiscal
Text type: Register (containing sureties)
Text language: No data
Associated People:
- Apollos Receiver
- Aurelius Iohannes, son of Viktor (son of?) Eibanos Sender
- Aurelius Isak, son of Apollos and N.N. Sender
- Iohannes, son of Beskouis Sender
- Aurelius Anoubis, son of Bottos and Tapeus Sender
- Aurelius Anoubis, son of Hermauos and Thekla Sender
- Aurelius Iohannes, son of Constantius and Maria Sender
- Aurelius Ponnis, son of Hatres Papelate (?) and N.N. Sender
- Aurelius Mousaios, son of Martes and Thekla Sender
- Aurelius Phoibammon, son of Hermauos son of Ouaininis and Maria Sender
- Aurelius Hermias, son of N.N. and Taesis Sender
- Aurelius Henoch, son of Hermauos and Thekla Sender
- Phoibammon, son of Psais and Taesis Sender
- Aurelius Viktor, son of Makarios and Maria Sender
- Aurelius Kallinikos, son of Viktor Scribe
- Isak Scribe ? / Notary
- Flavius Theoteknos, son of Psais Scribe
Normalised Version: Iustinianus
Abridged Version: Fl. Iustinianus v. glor. excell.
Original Version: ☧ ὑπατείας Φλ(αυίου) Ἰουστινιανο(ῦ) το(ῦ) ἐνδοξοτάτο(υ) καὶ ὑπερφυεστάτο(υ) Ἐπεὶφ κ ιε ἰνδικ(τίονος)
Formula language: Greek
Errors and Abberrations: No data
Possible Dating: 521
Dating Assigned: 521
Year (m.l.d.e.app.): No data
Day: 5, 14
Month: July
Indiction: 15
Other supporting dating elements: ind. In the text (1, wrong likely)
Accuracy: Perfect
Longitude: 31.416620
Latitude: 26.833140
Place name: Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau)
Region: Egypt and Cyrenaica
Macro-Region: East
Compiled by: Marco Dosi
Last modified: No data