P.Cair.Masp. I 67001 (Antaiop.; 28.xii)
Unique Identifier: DC-3778
Class of material: Papy.
Carrier: Papyrus
Text class: Legal/fiscal
Text type: Contract (condition of work)
Text language: No data
Associated People:
- Aurelius Promauos, son of Pabesios and Tabis Sender
- Aurelius Apa Viktor, son of Apollo Receiver
- Charisios son of Psimanobet Receiver
- Aurelius Charisios, son of Hermauos Scribe
- Viktor, son of Apollo Notary
- the koinon of the heads of the village, landowners and other possessors of Aphrodito Receiver
- the koinon of the heardsmen and the 'guardians of the fields' Sender
- Aurelius Phoibammon, son of Hermauos son of N.N. Sender
- Aurelius Psentaesis, son of Mousaios (son of?) Panpet Sender
- Aurelius Anouphis, son of Abramos son of Pachomios Sender
- Aurelius Hermauos, son of Ioseph (son of?) Plok Sender
- Aurelius Hermauos, son of Psentouoris Sender
- Aurelius Viktor, son of Psais son of Simous Sender
- Aurelius Apollos, son of Abramos (son of?) Plok Sender
- Aurelius Viktor, son of Hermauos Sender
- Aurelius Viktor, son of Promaos Sender
- Aurelius Palos, son of Papeus Sender
- Aurelius Orsenouphis alias Pnote, son of Herakleios Sender
- Aurelius Iohannes, son of Beskouis Scribe
- Aurelius Phoibammon, son of Hermauos? Scribe ?
- Isak Notary
Normalised Version: Senator
Abridged Version: Fl. Senator v.c.
Original Version: [ὑπα]τ̣ε̣ί̣α̣ς̣ Φ̣λ̣[(αυίου)] Σ̣ε̣[νά]τ̣ο̣ρ̣ος τοῦ λαμ[προτάτου] vac. Τῦβι β̣ [ὀγδόης ἰνδικ(τίονος)?]
Formula language: Greek
Errors and Abberrations: No data
Possible Dating: 514
Dating Assigned: 514
Year (m.l.d.e.app.): No data
Day: 28
Month: December
Indiction: Broken
Other supporting dating elements: No data
Accuracy: Perfect
Longitude: 31.416620
Latitude: 26.833140
Place name: Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau)
Region: Egypt and Cyrenaica
Macro-Region: East
Compiled by: Marco Dosi
Last modified: No data